International Conference on Monte Carlo techniques
Closing conference of thematic cycle

Paris July 5-8th 2016 
Campus les cordeliers

Stratified Nested Regression Monte-Carlo scheme with large scale parallelization
Emmanuel Gobet  1@  , Jose Lopez-Salas, Plamen Turkedjiev, Carlos Vasquez@
1 : Ecole Polytechnique [Palaiseau]  -  Website
Ecole Polytechnique
École Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex -  France

We design a novel algorithm based on Least-Squares Monte Carlo (LSMC) in order to approximate the solution of discrete time dynamic programming equations, like Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (BSDEs). Our algorithm allows massive parallelization of the computations on many core processors such as graphics processing units (GPUs). Our approach consists of a novel method of stratification which appears to be crucial for large scale parallelization. In this way, we minimize the exposure to the memory requirements due to the storage of simulations. Indeed, we note the lower memory overhead of the method compared with previous works.

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